Sunday, December 30, 2012

Getting Ready??

This is exciting! We have a great team growing by the day!

Not everyone has been successful in having their comment published on the first post - not sure why... but to fill you all in, so far we have committed participants from:

- the UK
- New Zealand
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Connecticut
- British Columbia
- Mexico
- North Carolina
- New Brunswick
- Botswana
- Qatar

As I hoped, our "team" has such a variety - from young sisters to grandmothers, as well as a whole family committed to taking the challenge! It's not too late to recruit some friends or family members to join you... they don't even have to sign in here and comment, but... it IS more fun when we can "see" all who are participating! :)

So start preparing... if you're like me, choosing one verse to start with is a little overwhelming. Some people start the new year with a one word/phrase theme for the year... if that's you, that should help you narrow down your options. Looking forward to January 1st!

PS. If you're not an addicted blog reader like me, you may not want the hassle of checking the blog to see if there are any new posts. I've added a way for you to stay in-the-loop without having to check every day. At the top of the right column, there is a subscription box where you can type in your email address and have new posts delivered to your inbox automatically. Hope this helps some of you.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Starting off - Purpose & Instructions

Hello! Thank you for checking out the site - I hope you join us in our 2013 challenge to memorize 24 bible verses. This idea is borrowed from Beth Moore and the Living Proof Ministries' blog. After reading through this, I encourage you to pop over to their site... you'll see I've copied pretty much all their guidelines/ideas, so if you prefer to join their "team" for accountability, you have my blessing! ;)

My hope with this site is that with our fewer numbers and familiar names, you may feel more comfortable to accept the challenge and invite others to as well. I realize many of you are already disciplined with scripture memorization, so this may seem very simplistic to you. We'd love to still have you join us and please feel free to leave helpful tips in the comments section on what has helped you in your memorization journey.

We KNOW there are so many reasons WHY we should be memorizing the Word of God (If you don't, just google "Why should I memorize scripture"), yet sometimes we need that extra push to get going... I know I do. Every year I have good intentions to make this the year it happens... yet... it never really happens. My hope and prayer is that this Challenge will provide some accountability to back up the necessary self-discipline it takes to commit.

There is no age restriction on this challenge... I would love to see a variety of us here! While I'm assuming it will mainly be sisters gathering here, we welcome any brothers who would also like to take the challenge.

If you have any other suggestions or feedback on this, please feel free to also leave those in the comments or email me at janna dot frith @ gmail dot com.

Instructions - Keeping it simple:

1. Commit to memorizing two scripture verses per month for 12 months. You are certainly not limited to just two verses a month - we are aiming for that to keep it from being overwhelming for those of us who have a chronic history of poor memorization... ;)

2. We'll do a "roll-call" on the 1st and 15th of every month. This is when you'll comment on the new "roll-call" post with your new chosen verse that you will be working on memorizing for that two-week period. It will be helpful if you enter your first name and your verse with its "address" and put which translation you are memorizing from... it may be that your verse will speak to another person and they will choose to memorize it as well.  To hopefully get the most out of this challenge, we suggest choosing a verse that means something to you in your present circumstances. This is certainly not a rule, since we know that all of God's Word is alive and can speak to us... but, for example, if you're struggling with fear or anxiety - why not choose a good strong verse to meditate on in your battle? Also, as cautioned in Beth Moore's instructions - choose a verse that means something to YOU, not something you think someone else (spouse, sibling, child, friend) needs to hear.

3. You can keep track of your verses however you choose, but one way that is suggested in Beth Moore's scripture memorization challenge is to use a spiral index card notebook. You can get a nice fancy fun one off the Living Proof Ministries site here, or pick up one at your local office supplies store. Maybe even your Dollar Store or Walmart carries them.


4. Celebrate Progress!  With a year long commitment in self-discipline that we pray will produce spiritual fruit in each of our lives, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to get together and encourage each other.  This challenge invite is going out to many people in different places, so as much as we wish it were possible, it isn't feasible for us all to gather in one location (I'm optimistic in having people  accept this challenge! ;) )  Why not recruit a couple friends to join you in the challenge and then get together once in awhile for coffee & dessert (or brunch, or... whatever suits you!) and go over your verses together. Accountability often helps with motivation. ;)

Once we get a feel for how many of us are working towards this goal together, we will look at making a more official celebration gathering at the end of the year. Maybe some of our smaller groups can join up with others in similar localities - food, laughter, and... verse recitation in pairs. :) Don't let this scare you off - it's not mandatory! This is for your personal growth, so if you want to just take the challenge individually, that's ok!! 

Ok - that's it. How about it... Who's in??? I know it's the busy Christmas season, but as you look toward January 1st, 2013 - why don't you join us with this New Year's Resolution to commit to memorizing 24 bible verses?

We'd love if you committed in the comment box below so we can be encouraged that we're all working towards this together... just leave your first name and... province or city/town.  Don't be shy - remember, you CAN hide behind the computer screen... ;)

Let's do this!! And let God work in our lives through His living Word... all Glory and Honour to Him.