Friday, February 15, 2013

Verse 4!

I don't know about you, but it seems like the months are flying by faster as we focus on the 1st and 15th of each month for our verses... feels like I *just* wrote the post for Feb 1st!

How are you all doing? I must say, with my history of failed memorization attempts, I find myself excited that I can recite 2 Tim 1:7, Gal 5:22-25... small peanuts for many of you, but I'm thanking God for helping me with this! Baby steps.............  :-)

One of these days I'm going to put up a "fun post" here to help us get to know each other a bit. I realize some rather stay anonymous, and that's absolutely fine.  And if I'm the only one curious about getting to know our little community - I certainly won't be offended at the lack of comments/responses to that post! ;)

Praying you're all being blessed by burying God's Word deep inside...

Thanks for joining me in this challenge. Let's sign in with our 4th verse selection!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Verse 3 - Roll Call!

Can you believe January 2013 is now in the past? Time goes so quickly.  I hope you're all feeling positive about your memorization work... Isn't it great to be working on something we KNOW will benefit us long-term... ?!

It's been a bit of an eventful month on our house... We welcomed our little girl 4 days early on January 21st! So while I have continued to work on my chosen verse selection for the 2nd half of January, I must say my brain is a bit more like mush than usual and I didn't quite get it all down perfectly. If you're feeling like February 1st came a bit too quickly as well, you might want to do what I'm doing... instead of moving on to a new verse for the sake of typing in something new, I'm choosing to continue to work on the last half of my Jan 15th verse selection. I want to make sure it's cemented into this dense brain of mine! :)  See?? We're flexible around here...  ;)

My mom is here visiting for awhile (thanks to baby girl's arrival), and she's one of those non-blogger people participating in this challenge. With her here, I've had the benefit of having an in-house partner to practice my verse with every so often. There's definitely a difference in saying it OUT-LOUD than going over it in my head... I hope each of you have at least one person to partner up with in this challenge, but if not, don't forget to practice out-loud once in awhile...  for me, at least, it's a true test of how ingrained the verse is!

One other thought -- since we're spread out all over the globe yet working on this challenge together, let's remember to pray for each other. We have an enemy who would like to keep us busy and our brains occupied so we neglect getting God's Word planted deep in our hearts/minds... but with God's help, we can be diligent, disciplined and faithful in memorizing and meditating on His Word -- Truth and Life to each of us.

Alright, let's answer the roll-call and sign in with our February 1st verse! Remember -- first name, city/location, verse, reference and translation. :)