Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Verse 10 - Encouraging One Another :)

Good afternoon friends!

I've been reminded lately how important it is to be intentional in encouraging each other and to make an effort to build up one another. It's so easy to find fault and let our words flow without thinking... so easy to make a little dig with a smile on our face as if we can get away with being malicious... a back-handed compliment that really is... not a compliment. It's so so so easy to make a sweeping judgement on a brother or sister. I stand here guilty of all these and more. I've also been on the RECEIVING end of both, and it is so refreshing when a sister or brother does or says something kind to encourage us and to show us love. Sisters - let us make an extra effort to be kind. To show love. To give one another the benefit of doubt. Let's forgive. Show Grace. Be honest. Be confidential. Let's make more of an effort to  build up - not tear down. Let's work toward unity and harmony in the family of God. Let's ere on the side of LOVE rather than on our need to always be right. Let's remember there are always two sides to every story. Let's stand against the 'norm' and have the courage to do what's right. If we don't show God's love through our words and actions - who will?  

John 13:35 - "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Oops... I've stepped off my soap-box now... this isn't pointed at anyone specific, but a preach to myself. I thought maybe we could all use the reminder... :)

Hope you have been able to get your last verse into your memory bank... As a friend wrote to me - don't be too hard on yourself if you can't get it word-perfect. It is much more important that we understand the actual meaning behind the verses we're learning and meditating on... Praying for you all! :)

Ok - let's have your 10th verse selection! :D

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Verse 9 - Are you still with us? :)

Spring is really here. I think it's finally safe to say that here on this part of the globe... We kind of jump from winter to summer temperatures quickly, so these perfect spring days are precious. Treasured. And fully enjoyed!

How is your motivation these days?? Even if you get a bit behind on memorizing, there's always TODAY to get back at it. Maybe while you take a quick walk to enjoy the weather, you can go over your verses. While you're out for a jog, mopping your floors, weeding your garden (why do weeds grow so easily?!) or cleaning out your fridge... there are many opportunities for review. Praying we will continue to work at it even in these busy months. :)

So, what verse are you choosing to commit to memory this first half of May? We're almost half-way through the year! Keep up the great work friends!