Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1st - Verse 15

Good morning friends :)

Are you a last minute crammer, or do you give yourself plenty of time to study? Throughout my entire school career, I was the classic last minute crammer and all-night-before-due-date essay writer. No wonder I can't recall much of what I learned!

I think I mentioned before that this method was also my go-to for Sunday School verse memorization... so not proud of that.

So I determined that this challenge would be different for me... that I would be disciplined in my memorization and review. And it worked.

 Until about a month ago.

Obviously my pep talks of continuing on and the importance of faithful review throughout the busy summer months were for myself!! Unfortunately the last couple verse selections have been worked on with the "cramming" method. I keep realizing that the 1st or 15th is only a day or two away and YIKES!!! I DON'T KNOW MY VERSE!! And it feels hypocritical to to do a regular post and choose a new verse when I'm behind in my memorization and review.

So hence my confession. ;)

I'm going to use August as a review month.... no new verses until I'm positive I have my last 14 selections down pat. Feel free to admit you're doing the same. *grin*

But if you are the faithful student that I dream of being, I want to sing your praises and give you a big high five (my 2 yr old is big into high 5's)! Please keep up your good work... and let us know what verse you are memorizing for the first half of August.


Hazel Leger said...

Hazel - Nouvelle,QC

Yeah, I was always a crammer, too. And yes, I did really poor the last couple of months but this verse spoke to me this a.m so want to add it to my list to go over daily .... Hopefully;)

Galatians 5:6 Nasb

For in Christ Jesus neither circumsion nor uncircumsion means anything, but faith working through love.

Unknown said...

Renette, Margaree/Bicester-The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; (Psalm 19:8 ESV)

Anonymous said...

Melody, Toronto

Instead of cramming, I am just especially slow! Continuing to work through Romans 12, now v. 4-5, ESV ...

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another