Friday, March 15, 2013

Verse 6

Good morning scripture memory sisters!

How are you all doing? Still going strong? We seem to have a lost a few of our comment posters, but I have hope that they are still memorizing scripture with us and just haven't found time to jump on the blog. Our lives are busy, aren't they? Hopefully they'll jump back in with verse 6. :)

Before we do the roll call for our sixth verse, I want to share a blog that so often speaks to me. I realize many of you may already check this one out daily, but in case you don't, here it is: A Holy Experience  Today's post is on loving through differences and striving for unity as the Body of Christ. The truth really stuck a chord inside me... may we LOVE more despite our differences and forgive despite our hurt. Easier said than done... but as followers of Christ, we have help and power from on High (Luke 24:49), with the Holy Spirit in us, to live to a higher standard: Christ's.

OK - let's share our sixth memory verse for the last part of March with each other. Keep up the great work! :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Verse 5 - calling all Scripture Memory faithfuls!

Good morning:)

It's a beautiful sunny crisp winter day here... let's give our God thanks for this new day!

Have your memory verses been speaking to you these days? Mine have! Since running on a significant lack of sleep (a newborn does that to you!) sometimes finds me waking up in the morning on the "wrong side of the bed"... that's never a good start, but especially when you may be encountering little people who have also woke up a bit crabby. I found myself convicted yesterday when I was correcting my 20 month old son on his whininess and disobedience... my own attitude needed correcting! I was impatient and crabby myself, so I'm sure that didn't help with his attitude. The start of my current verse flooded my thoughts -- "Love is PATIENT... love is KIND..."  *gulp*  I wasn't being very patient. So...  we prayed and did a restart to the day. I'm so thankful to say that the day improved immensely! I love seeing the Word working out in my life... and it is becoming more and more clear to me that I have to let it. We can memorize all we want, but if we don't make a conscious effort to bring it into our every day, we likely won't find the Spirit working as obviously as we would like.  I'm praying each of us will allow Him to work in us -- in our every day situations, whatever they may be. Big and small.  I'm holding tight to my first couple of verses, knowing that God's Spirit can give me self-discipline/control, love...  and patience. :)

So it's March 1st... let's share our 5th verse of the year with each other! Keep up the good work ladies! :)