Saturday, June 15, 2013

Verse 12 - HALF WAY THERE!!

Good evening friends :)

This post is coming late today - my apologies. We have had a beautiful family day out in the sunshine - train rides which delighted my recently-turned-2 year old and later a little birthday party for him at a playground. I love this weather - perfect sunny warm days with very little humidity. So thankful we were able to take advantage of the weather today.

This post is a bit hard to write... I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't listen to my own pep talk back on June 1st! I didn't make any progress at all on my chosen verses, so will have to stick with them for the rest of the month. Hopefully you were a bit more disciplined than me this month! :)

We're half-way through - 12 more verses to go!! Let's do this.

What have you chosen for the last two weeks of June? Or.... are you repeating your June 1st selection like umm.. someone else?? ;)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Verse 11 - Almost half way through!

Good morning friends :)

June 1st is here... May disappeared so fast that it feels like we skipped from April to June! It will take extra discipline on our part to continue memorizing through these summer months... they just seem busier with the nice weather - more visiting, outings, special events, vacations...  Let's not lose ground but work hard to continue to build up our scripture base. Let's not let busyness kill our progress! :)

So let's hear it.... what verse have you chosen to dwell on for the first half of June?