Sunday, December 30, 2012

Getting Ready??

This is exciting! We have a great team growing by the day!

Not everyone has been successful in having their comment published on the first post - not sure why... but to fill you all in, so far we have committed participants from:

- the UK
- New Zealand
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Connecticut
- British Columbia
- Mexico
- North Carolina
- New Brunswick
- Botswana
- Qatar

As I hoped, our "team" has such a variety - from young sisters to grandmothers, as well as a whole family committed to taking the challenge! It's not too late to recruit some friends or family members to join you... they don't even have to sign in here and comment, but... it IS more fun when we can "see" all who are participating! :)

So start preparing... if you're like me, choosing one verse to start with is a little overwhelming. Some people start the new year with a one word/phrase theme for the year... if that's you, that should help you narrow down your options. Looking forward to January 1st!

PS. If you're not an addicted blog reader like me, you may not want the hassle of checking the blog to see if there are any new posts. I've added a way for you to stay in-the-loop without having to check every day. At the top of the right column, there is a subscription box where you can type in your email address and have new posts delivered to your inbox automatically. Hope this helps some of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
